
Only 34% of Nigerians use condoms during sex – Survey shows

A survey conducted in Nigeria shows that only 34% of the country’s population use condoms during sex.

The national poll was conducted among adult Nigerians.

The NOIPolls also revealed that only 28% of the entire adult population use condoms consistently.

Though the figures are staggering, the respondents admitted that it was easy for them to access condoms to buy.

CEO of NOIPolls, Chike Nwangwu, told the BBC that the most common reasons given for these low figures included religion and a partner’s unwillingness to use condoms.

“With regards to perception and attitude on condom use, 63% of Nigerians stated that the first thing that comes to their mind when they hear the word condom is sexual pleasure, while 45% disclosed that they instantly think of promiscuity when they see someone with a condom,” he said.

Below are the illustrations of the findings:

The survey samples 1,000 adults from the over 200 million population in Nigeria.

It was done in collaboration with Nigeria’s Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and the National Agency for the Control of Aids (Naca) to mark International Condom Day on 13 February.

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