
Its difficult promoting songs on African platforms – MzVee

The conversation on whether or not it is difficult for Ghanaian musicians to push their songs to the Nigerian market continues to generate heated discussions among entertainment actors.

The latest to join the debate is Songstress MzVee who says it is difficult for Ghanaian musicians to get their songs featured on Nigeria and East Africa platforms.

She says it is high time the Ghanaian media started creating the platform to cherish and promote their own artists like their Nigerian counterparts are doing.

In an interview on Hitz FM, MzVee decried the status quo of seeming infiltration of foreign music into Ghana

“When I talk to my links in Nigeria, I am one of the names they know, but that’s what I feel we should try and incorporate here when it comes to our radio plays and it should be like 99% Ghanaian music.

“At first, it was Ghanaian music that was reigning…you know sometimes for something to be, you have to force it intentionally and that’s what they [Nigerians] did, they forced it into their system,” she said.

She added: “They said 95% of Nigerian music and they’ve grown to love their own and that’s what I feel we should do here. Right now if you want to even promote your music in Nigeria, that 5% that’s left for radio play is for the rest of the world.”

MzVee disclosed that other East African countries aside from Nigeria are known for the same policy.

“It’s really tough but I do get my way,” she added.

In a related instance, Mr. Logic contended that the Nigerian music industry is protected, making it difficult for Ghanaian musicians to fully penetrate through their market.

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