
2 Ada SHS students drown in Volta River

Source The Ghana Report

Two male students of the Ada Senior High School(SHS) in the Greater Accra Region have drowned in the Volta River.

The students believed to be 16 and 18 years old allegedly went swimming in the river on Sunday, November 5, 2023, when the incident happened.

They reportedly left the school without permission.

According to some eyewitnesses, the two were washed away by tidal waves while swimming.

All attempts by the people nearby to rescue them unfortunately proved futile.

Meanwhile, their bodies have been retrieved and deposited in the morgue.

Drowning cases involving students in communities along riverbanks have increased in recent months.

On June 26, two children reportedly drowned in the Akora River in the Agona West Municipality of the Central Region.

On Saturday, June 24, three students of the Daboase Senior High Technical School in the Western Region drowned in the Subri River.

The victims, all first-year students, had sneaked out of their dormitory to swim in the Subri River, which had overflown its banks due to the heavy rains.

In another incident, nine schoolchildren drowned after the boat they were travelling on capsized on the estuary at Wiaboman on May 13, 2023.

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