
2022 American Visa Lottery Registration Increases Compared To Previous Years

Source The Ghana Report

The number of applicants for the 2022 American Visa Lottery has increased as Ghanaians seek greener pastures abroad due to economic hardship. 

The Medical and Dental Council in October disclosed how the majority of medical professionals are leaving the country to search for new opportunities abroad as the economy bites harder.

Standards of living in the country have dipped badly following high inflation, depreciation of the Ghana Cedi against the Dollar and public sector salaries remained the same for a couple of years in the face of the rising cost of living. As of November 9, 2022, the inflation rate had hit 40.4%, and the figure impacts Ghanaians negatively.

Most graduates from prestigious universities are still at home in the hope of getting jobs but to no avail. The rate of unemployment among Ghanaian youth is another reason for the mad rush for the 2022 American Visa Lottery registration.

The owner of Tony Jaie’s Tour Agency, Anthony Yeboah disclosed to The Ghana Report in an interview that “the number of applicants for the American Visa Lottery has really increased this year as compared to the previous years”

“In 2021, I had only 56 applicants for the American Visa Lottery but this year, over 1,000 applicants have registered so far. Today is the deadline but still, others are applying”.

“When asked if he had any idea concerning the sharp increment of applicants for this year, he said, “most of the applicants I have engaged so far are complaining about the hardship in Ghana now. I have some applicants who even registered for their entire family members because they want to leave the country and seek greener pastures elsewhere”.

“Formerly, an average of 300 people go to the UK Embassy for Visa per day but this year alone, about 2,000 people apply for a Visa at the Embassy daily” he noted.

The government and other stakeholders are working studiously to restructure the economy for Ghanaians. The ongoing International Monetary Fund (IMF) negotiations are seen as a major catalyst for taking Ghana out of the woods and giving Ghanaians some comfort. Well, the foregoing content shows that some cannot cope with the strong headwinds facing the economy and want immediate amelioration from the economic woes.

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