
24-year-old fetish priest arrested for sharing false information

A 24-year-old mason and self-proclaimed fetish priest, Emmanuel Frimpong, has been remanded into police custody by the Kwadaso Circuit Court.

He was remanded on charges of disseminating false information about VIP Jeoun Company Limited’s operations.

Frimpong was arrested following the circulation of a video on social media.

He falsely alleged that the company’s drivers were compelled to undergo a ritual that involved being buried alive in a casket before being permitted to operate the company’s buses.

The National Investigation Bureau (NIB), working in conjunction with the police, conducted a thorough investigation leading to Frimpong’s arrest.

He now faces charges for spreading false information that could potentially harm the reputation and operations of the company.

He was subsequently arraigned in the Kwadaso Circuit Court.

The presiding judge, His Honour Stephen Kumi, stated that the accused’s actions could harm the company’s reputation and mislead the public.

He has been remanded into police custody and is scheduled to reappear in court on April 26, 2024.

After the proceedings, VIP Jeoun Company Limited’s General Manager, Adakabre Frimpong Manso, warned that the company would pursue legal action against anyone whose actions threatened its reputation.

“In recent times, people have been going on social media and making serious allegations against VIP that are misleading, untrue, and somewhat exaggerated, and VIP does not have the requisite response on the same platform that people are making such claims against the company.

“So, I am directed by the VIP directors as a general manager to warn the general public through your esteemed media to desist. VIP is a law-abiding company, an ethical company that accepts objective criticisms of our operation for which we will improve.

“But VIP will not accept unsubstantiated allegations against the company that impact negatively on our operations,” he stated.

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