
70-year-old man hangs himself at Assin Kushia

Source The Ghana Report

A 70-year-old man has committed suicide at Assin Kushia in the Assin North District of the Central Region.

The deceased, identified as Opanin Amissah, hanged himself on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, after locking himself in his room.

Reports indicate that the deceased has been living in the town for almost 10 years, engaging in menial jobs like weeding people’s farms for money.

The Gyaasehene of Assin Kushia, Nana Okyere Si-Abour, who confirmed the incident, explained that the deceased had taken money from some persons to weed their farms for them.

However, he could not execute the task due to ill health and started having pressure from the farmers who had contracted him.

It is believed that the deceased, unable to bear the pressure, opted to commit suicide.

The deceased is said to have attempted suicide several times but failed.

The Assin Praso Police Command was informed about the incident and went to convey the body to the St. Francis Xavier Hospital Mortuary at Assin Fosu.

An investigation has commenced into the incident.

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