
Prominent Persons Rush To Adopt Baby Abandoned At Ahodwo

Many prominent persons in Ghana have reportedly expressed interest in adopting a baby abandoned in a mission house at Ahodwo in the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality of the Eastern Region.

According to the assembly member for the area Raymond Gborson, they are overwhelmed by requests to adopt the baby.

He said the pastor and wife on whose doorstep the baby was left are also interested in adopting the baby since they do not have a female child.

The newborn baby was on the dawn of Sunday, July 16, 2023, abandoned at the doorstep of the resident pastor of the New Covenant Apostolic Church at Kpong Ahodwo.

The baby was wrapped in white cloth with the umbilical cord still attached.

The unidentified mother also dropped a suicide note beside the baby girl, which reads, “By the time you will finish reading this letter, I will be dead and gone. Please take care of this baby as your own child. Please, I regret doing this, but that is the only way this baby can have a chance to live. Please take care of her. I’m sorry; please forgive me. God bless you.”

Local police were informed and rushed to the scene.

The neonate was taken to the hospital for medical attention and discharged the same day to the pastor’s wife to foster her in the meantime.

The mother of the baby has not been identified yet.

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