
Does she really love you, or is she after your money?

A healthy relationship is a two-way street.

Love is a funny thing, isn’t it? It can make the whole world seem bright and beautiful. But sometimes, it can be a bit tricky to figure out.

Especially when you start to wonder if someone loves you for who you are or if they’re more interested in what you have. So, how can you tell if she really loves you, or if she’s just sticking around for the money?

Pay attention to what she values

One of the first things you can do is notice what she talks about the most. Does she seem more excited about your new car than about spending time with you? If she’s always focusing on expensive gifts or how much money you’re spending on dates, it might be a sign that she’s more interested in your wallet than your heart.

How does she act when money is tight?

Life has its ups and downs, and sometimes, money can be tight. Pay attention to how she behaves when you suggest doing something that doesn’t cost a lot of money. If she’s just as happy having a picnic in the backyard as she is at a fancy restaurant, it’s a good sign that she’s with you for the right reasons. But, if she seems upset or disinterested when expensive outings aren’t on the agenda, that’s a red flag.

Does she support your dreams?

Someone who loves you will support your dreams and ambitions, whether they come with a big paycheck or not. If she encourages you to follow your passions and celebrates your successes, big or small, that’s a sign of true love. However, if she only seems interested in your career when it’s bringing in lots of money, you might want to have a think about where her priorities lie.

Is she generous too?

A relationship is a two-way street. It’s about giving and taking. Notice if she’s also generous with what she has. This doesn’t mean she has to spend lots of money on you. It’s the thought that counts. Small gestures, like making you a handmade gift or cooking your favourite meal, show that she cares about making you happy, not about spending your cash.

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