
Stay away from ‘friends’ who do these 10 things

Are your friends real or fake? Should you continue the friendship or let them go?

Friendships make life better. We have people to share our times and lives with, but the wrong ones can be destructive.

They come online and share private information about you. Whether it is good or bad news, they post about your life on social media without your permission. They also air out your fights and discussions instead of talking things through privately.

They act differently depending on who they’re with. You may be so shocked to see how they act with their other friends, which is so different from how they are with you. This just means they are fake.

If they constantly ask for favours but never reciprocate, it’s time to re-evaluate the friendship. They are only interested in your friendship for what you can offer, not for who you are.

If they’re badmouthing others behind their backs, you can bet they’ll eventually do the same to you. Surround yourself with positive people who don’t spend all their time hating on other people.

Do you feel like you are in constant competition with your friends and they are always trying to outdo you? A healthy friendship is about celebrating each other’s successes, not trying to surpass each other.

It hurts when good things happen to you, and they pull away. You can’t help but feel they’re not genuinely happy for you.

You don’t feel special or important; they only call you when their other options fall through. Real friends make time for you, no matter what.

They come online and share private information about you. Whether it is good or bad news, they post about your life on social media without your permission. They also air out your fights and discussions instead of talking things through privately.


They act differently depending on who they’re with. You may be so shocked to see how they act with their other friends, which is so different from how they are with you. This just means they are fake.

If they constantly ask for favours but never reciprocate, it’s time to re-evaluate the friendship. They are only interested in your friendship for what you can offer, not for who you are.


If they’re badmouthing others behind their backs, you can bet they’ll eventually do the same to you. Surround yourself with positive people who don’t spend all their time hating on other people.

Signs of a fake friends [istockphoto]

Do you feel like you are in constant competition with your friends and they are always trying to outdo you? A healthy friendship is about celebrating each other’s successes, not trying to surpass each other.


It hurts when good things happen to you, and they pull away. You can’t help but feel they’re not genuinely happy for you.

You don’t feel special or important; they only call you when their other options fall through. Real friends make time for you, no matter what.

They use you as an unpaid therapist but never show any interest in your life. A good friendship goes both ways.

They barely call or text under the guise of “I’m busy.” Yes, adulthood is tough but people make time for the ones they value.

No matter what you do for them, it’s never enough. You consistently show up for them, but they never seem to recognise your efforts. Great friends appreciate and reciprocate the support they receive.

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