
A/R Police brutalities: 3 out of 9 officers interdicted

Source The Ghana Report/Sefanam Agbobli

The Ashanti Regional Police Command has interdicted 3 out of the 9 officers who allegedly beat and butchered a 33-year-old driver on Tuesday evening at Adonfe in the Ashanti region.

The 3 have been sanctioned following their roles in the brutalities which led to the death of the victim.

A statement issued by the Ashanti Regional Police Command said: “The Command, as part of investigation, has recommended the interdiction of three (3) Officers, namely General Sergeant Suleman Seidu, General Corporal Seth Agbango and General Lance Corporal Salifu Yakubu.”

“In all 9 Officers embarked on the operation but 3 of the officers have been implicated for playing active roles in the incident, hence their interdiction.

It further noted that “the Command has also tasked the Regional Police Professional Standards Bureau (PPSB) to also institute internal Administrative investigation into the conduct of the Officers and report”.

Though the police has assured the public of an independent investigation into the matter, security analyst, Adam Bona believes an independent body should be made to lead the investigation.

“I would wish that we have an independent team put together to investigate the matter aside the police themselves. Because if due diligence is not done, this case might not go anywhere and the community might rise up and when they do, it shouldn’t be time where we will say the police should have known better,” Mr Bona said.


Residents of Adonfe, a town near Bompata in the Ashanti region say 7 police officers with 3 in uniform stormed the area for an operation and had an altercation with the deceased, restrained him to the ground, kicked and punched him in the face before some of the officers started butchering him with a machete.

Assemblyman for the area, Samuel Kofi Boadu said the policemen who were on patrol were looking for one Mr Kamkam and another Yaa Yaa who live in the area.

Since they were unable to find the people they were after, they ransacked their homes and did not find anything as well.

According to the assembly man, “when they were returning from the girl’s place, they met two guys on the street and they just grabbed them. And one of them was asking what he had done, and in trying to explain, they started beating him up, and one of the officers went to the patrol vehicle and took a cutlass and cut his back very deeply.”

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