
Akosombo Dam spillage: We predicted the flooding incident – VRA

Source The Ghana Report

The Volta River Authority (VRA) has affirmed that the ongoing flooding along the lower basin of the Volta River, triggered by the controlled water spillage from the Akosombo Dam, is unfolding as anticipated.

Deputy Chief Executive in charge of Engineering and Operation at the VRA, Edward Ekow Obeng-Kenzo, assured the public that the VRA, as an experienced institution, remains in control of the situation and was not overwhelmed, adding that “what we’re seeing is as we predicted it.”

He also commended the proactive response of the communities in the dam’s vicinity.

“We can say for a fact that, per the record so far, we think the communities really knew what was coming and were prepared. They took precautionary measures and evacuated themselves, which is why, as of today, we don’t have any fatal incident in the case of someone getting drowned in the water or trapped in their homes,” he said on Joy News, monitored by theghanareport.com.

Mr Obeng-Kenzo further emphasised the competence of VRA in managing the situation and ensuring the safety of residents.

The controlled spillage from the Akosombo and Kpong Dams, initiated on September 15, 2023, became necessary due to heavy rainfall in the Volta River catchment, causing a rapid rise in the water level in the Akosombo Dam.

This measure was taken to prevent overtopping and to protect the dam’s integrity.

As of early October, the water level continued to rise rapidly, surpassing the maximum operating level of 276 feet.

Consequently, the VRA increased the spill rate from October 9, 2023, flooding several communities in the North, South, and Central Tongu District and the Ada East District.

Throughout this period, high-level members of the VRA and the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) have been present in the affected areas, assessing the impact of the spill and providing relief items alongside educational outreach on safety in the communities.

The VRA and NADMO have been evacuating affected individuals to safe havens on higher ground, ensuring their safety during this challenging time.

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