
Akufo-Addo incapable of fighting corruption – Mintah Akandoh

Source The Ghana Report/ Aba Asamoah

Member of Parliament for Juaboso, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh is not convinced the fight against corruption will be won any time soon particularly with President Akufo-Addo and the NPP government at the helm of affairs.

The legislator is convinced the president may be complicit in the seeming increase in issues of corruption in his administration following his appointment of “family & friends” to run the affairs of the state.

“It’s a game plan by Nana Addo to saturate his government with his family members, all the people around the President are untouchable and that is why corruption has deep roots in his government,” he said.

Expressing his frustration, the Member of Parliament lamented how corruption had been normalised under the current NPP government. He says the situation has degenerated to the point where criticizing government officials who engage in corrupt practices is almost an offence

“Under this administration, one is afraid of his security when criticizing corrupt officials, people are afraid of their lives, investigative journalist are running from the country for their safety because they exposed corruption in his government.

“Under his watch, if it is not NYA is it PPA, PDS or BOST, a lot name them, from the energy sector to sports…. Ghanaians are even starting to lose track of the number of scandals up to the extent that people have decided to change the meaning of the 1D1F (one district-one factory to one day-one fraud) and that tells the gravity of the issue,” he noted.

He accused appointees of the president of displaying traits that are uncharacteristic of people who are appointed to serve the interest of the ordinary Ghanaian.

“Two things about the appointees in this government is either to insult people to make the government look good and get promoted or you know how to steal to enrich yourself and your family……. Nana Addo will keep clearing his appointees,” Mintah Akandoh opined.


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