
All Surfline SIMs removed from Central Database- NCA

Source The Ghana Report

The National Communications Authority (NCA) says it has delinked all Surfline SIMs from the Central SIM Database.

The move by the NCA comes after Surfline faced severe financial difficulties, leaving its customers in a state of uncertainty.

In a brief statement on its website, the NCA urged individuals who had Surfline SIM Cards and had reached the ceiling of 10 individual SIMs to register another SIM card if they desired.

“The National Communications Authority (NCA) wishes to announce to the public that the Authority has delinked all Surfline SIMs from the Central SIM Database.

“Subscribers who hitherto had reached the ceiling of 10 individual SIMs with the addition of their Surfline SIMs will now be able to link additional SIMs to their Ghana Cards.”

The NCA also emphasized its commitment to safeguarding the interests of Surfline customers and all users of telecom services.

“We also wish to reaffirm our unrelenting commitment to protect the interest of Surfline customers and all users of telecommunications services in Ghana.”

The decision to remove all Surfline SIMs from the central database also comes a day after some 9 million unregistered SIM cards were deactivated by telecommunication firms in Ghana.

This was in compliance with a directive by the NCA to re-register all SIM cards in Ghana.

The exercise was expected to have lasted for a period of six months but was extended several times due to challenges.

The final deadline ended on May 31, 2023.

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