
AMA Arrests Woman For Dumping Refuse Into Gutter At Chorkor

Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) officials have arrested a woman for dumping refuse into a drain at Chorkor, a suburb of Accra, during yesterday’s rains.

Lydia Gyimah was arrested when the Accra Mayor, Elizabeth Kwatsoe Sackey, led a joint Operation Clean Your Frontage  Taskforce team to embark on an enforcement exercise within the Ablekuma South Sub-Metropolitan District to ensure a clean city.

Confirming the arrest in an interaction with some residents, the first female Mayor of Accra said the AMA was determined to bring to book persons who violate sanitation laws.

She added that such indiscipline undermines the efforts of the assembly and the government to attain a clean city besides causing flooding in parts of the city.

She revealed that the assembly had set up spies in the community to keep watch and report such defiant people emphasizing that those found guilty would face the law.

She also admonished children in the area to help their parents keep the environment clean by desisting from dumping refuse into the drains indiscriminately, reiterating that, “Borla Into Drains Must Stop Now.”

” We want Chorkor and its environs to be clean. We must set a good eChorkorfor our children to emulate so that tChorkornot blame their parents when they grow, ” she said.

She also urged the public to volunteer information that will lead to the arrest of persons who dispose of rubbish into a drain and in open spaces.

During the exercise, Environmental Health Officers took swift action by issuing notices and summons against homes and businesses that had failed to keep their frontages and surroundings clean.

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