
Asawase Killings: Police service names interdicted officers

The list of police officers who have been interdicted by the Ghana Police  Service for their involvement in the Asawase killings has been sighted by citinewsroom.com.

The named police officers are still under investigation.

A seven-member committee which probed the killings said it found no evidence that the deceased persons were armed robbers.

The Committee also said there’s no evidence that the seven killed Zongo youth exchanged fire with the police.

The Ashanti Regional Police Command had initially claimed that the seven, all residents of Asawase Zongo in Kumasi were armed robbers who exchanged fire with them.

The government in a statement announced that in consultation with community leaders, it will provide support for the dependents of the deceased persons.

The President, Nana Akufo-Addo announced on Wednesday that each of the affected families will received 250,000 cedis which comes to about.Ghc1.75 million.

The names of the police officers interdicted include the following;

DSP Edward Boateng

Inspr Michael Appiah

Sgt. Eric Fofie

Sgt Anthony Yankee

Sgt. Prince Mpere

Sgt. Frank Essel

Sgt. Williams Albert Davidson

Cpl Edward Baah

Cpl Kwame Anokye

Cpl Emmanuel Turkey

L/cpl Samuel Ataafi

L/cpl Maybell  Adoboli

L/cpl  Ijon Jonathan

L/cpl  Jonas Kantinka

G/c2 Emmanuel Papa Awotwe

G/c2 Samuel Opoku Mensah

Pw G/c2 These Afoakwa

Pw G/C2 Ivy

Cpl Frederick Acheampong

G/c2 Bright Anopansuo

Family of killed Asawase youth to receive Ghc1.7m – Nana Addo

President Akufo-Addo, who was addressing a conference in the Ashanti Region on the development Zongo communities said he will ensure that justice is served the families of the deceased.

According to him, processes are underway to prosecute the police officers who are guilty in the incident.

“I cannot come to Kumasi and not revisit the unfinished business of the death of seven of our compatriots at the hands of some police personnel last year. Based on the recommendations of the committee, I asked the IGP to interdict the police personnel involved. Processes have been initiated that will result in the prosecution of any police person allegedly found to have acted outside the law, Akufo-Addo said.

“I am happy also to announce to you that a compensation package totaling GHS 1.75 million, that is 250,000 for each of the seven families, is to be paid to the dependents of the deceased. Even though money cannot replace the life of a human being, it is our way of accepting the responsibility of the state in this unfortunate affair,” Akufo-Addo added.

Source: Citinewsroom

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