
Ashanti Region: GUTA members threaten to close shops over discrimination by customs

Source The Ghana Report

The Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) in the Ashanti Region has threatened to protest against the government over alleged harassment by customs officials.

According to the group, they will soon close all their shops and stage a massive demonstration.

They claim that their members in other regions are not subjected to what they describe as harassment and discrimination by customs officers.

Members say the officials impose exorbitant costs while transporting their goods to the region from the port.

The Ashanti regional GUTA chairman, Mr Anthony Oppong said they are sometimes arrested in the process.

Mr Oppong said that this has made the Ashanti Region a hostile place to business.

He added that all engagements with the appropriate authorities such as the regional minister and the Commissioner of Customs have yielded no results.

In view of this, Mr Oppong said members across the region are planning to demonstrate from next week until their grievances are addressed.

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