
BoG Demo: Police Run To Court For Injunction Against Minority

Source The Ghana Report

The Ghana Police Service has filed an application for an injunction at the High Court against the Minority in Parliament. 

The planned protest scheduled for Tuesday, September 5, is for the Governor of the Bank of Ghana (BoG), Dr. Ernest Addison and his two deputies to resign over alleged mismanagement.

On August 21, the NDC MPs notified the police of their planned protest, proposing specific routes.

However, the police recommended that they change their initial routes in the interest of public safety and order after a security assessment.

Alternatively, the police suggested a different route from the Parliament House, through the Osu Cemetery Traffic Light to Independence Square.

However, the NDC MPs have rejected the newly proposed routes by the police.

In a statement, the police said they have been left with no option but to take a legal approach.

“The police, with the best interest of public safety in mind, have been left with no alternative but to seek legal recourse by approaching the court to determine the matter.

“Accordingly, today, August 30, 2023, the police filed an application at the court,” the police said.

Meanwhile, the Minority has expressed disappointment with the Accra Police Command’s move to secure an injunction.

Deputy Minority Leader Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah accused the police of trying to obstruct their protest while insisting that they would go ahead with the protest as initially planned.

Below is the statement from the police



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