
Buduburam demolition:We found decomposed bodies- Gomoa chief

Chief of Gomoa Buduburam, Nana Kojo Essel II, has revealed that several decomposed bodies and skeletons were discovered in abandoned houses during the Gomoa Buduburam demolition exercise.

He further stated that he is tired of burying bodies since the establishment of the Liberian camp.

The bodies, he said, have been reburied.

“The things happening in this town is not good for us. I am tired of burying dead bodies. Some are currently at Winneba morgue and I don’t even know them. Even during the demolition, some dead bodies and skeletons were found but because of how decomposed the bodies are, we had to rebury them. All these have destroyed the name of Buduburam” he bemoaned.

Chiefs of Gomoa Fetteh and Buduburam had demolished parts of Gomoa Buduburam to relocate market women who were trading alongside the Gomoa Buduburam Highway.

The demolition exercise was halted after the Central Regional Security Council visited the camp.

In an interview with Adom News, Nana Kojo Essel II said that the criminals had tarnished the name of Gomoa Buduburam due to continuous killings.

During a visit to the site, Nana Kojo Essel urged the leaders of the demolition exercise to work diligently to restore order in Buduburam.

1 Comment
  1. Makaverli says

    I think they should stop demolitionment.
    There are poor people like me leaving there 😭😭😭 please please please

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