
Build upon efforts of your predecessor to address economic challenges – Asantehene tells new Finance Minister

Source The Ghana Report

The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has urged the newly appointed Finance Minister, Dr Mohammed Amin Adam to build upon the initiatives of his predecessor, Ken Ofori-Atta.

He encouraged Dr Amin Adam to swiftly put in place strategic policies to address the current economic challenges facing the nation for the benefit of all Ghanaians.

In a meeting with the Finance Minister, Asantehene emphasised the importance of collaboration with the Ministry’s staff and urged Dr Adam to consider their insights.

He commended the former Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta for initiating measures to address the economic difficulties.

Expressing confidence in Dr Adam’s ability to lead an economic turnaround, Otumfuo encouraged him to implement effective strategies and measures.

He highlighted the high expectations placed on financial leadership and underscored the President’s trust in the Finance Minister’s capabilities.

“The President expressed confidence in you and has given you a mandate as the Finance Minister. Although the country is going through economic difficulties, there is hope for an economic turnaround if the right measures are implemented.

“Your Predecessor has put in place some measures as part of efforts to address the economic conditions I will urge you to continue from where he left off.

“You are not a new person at the Finance Ministry, you were there already. I will also urge you to work closely with the staff at the Ministry so you can share ideas to achieve the goals that have been set.

“Ghanaians are now looking up to you when it comes to finance issues because the President has put you in that position.”

Dr Adam, in response, highlighted President Akufo-Addo’s mandate to oversee the completion of stalled infrastructure projects in the Ashanti Region, reaffirming the government’s commitment to national development.

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