
CAL Bank donates GHS 10,000 for 2021 Census

CAL Bank PLC has donated GHS 10,000 to the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) to support the printing of the Field Officer’s Manual (FOM) for the 2021 Population and Housing Census.

The FOM will be the reference document for training the Field Officers to be deployed for the census exercise.

The 321-paged manual is the outcome of months-long collaborative efforts by key stakeholders, including management and staff of GSS and faculty members from universities.

The contents of the manual are meant to equip Field Officers with all the needed information to ensure there is complete coverage and quality data during the census exercise.

A delegation from GSS comprising Mr Emmanuel George Ossei, Head of the Census Secretariat; Mrs Abena Osei-Akoto, Head of Recruitment and Training; and Mr Francis Nyarkoh-Larbi, Head of Publicity, Education and Advocacy, accepted the cheque on behalf of management.

Ghana Statistical Service will be training 75,000 prospective Field Officers from 31st May to 9th June in preparation for data collection, which starts on 13th June with the listing of structures. With the Census Night set on 27th June, the enumeration period will be from 28th June to 11th July.

The implementation of the 2021 PHC is a massive and complex national activity that requires mobilizing and leveraging resources from stakeholders and strategic partners for the successful conduct of the census. In a brief statement, Mr Kofi Sabi, Head of Marketing, CalBank, said, ‘’the data from the Census will help the Bank as it serves as the basis for its operations. Management of the Ghana Statistical Service is thus grateful to CalBank for supporting the census.

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