
Celebrities descend on TV presenter for “insensitivity” towards rape victim

Some celebrities in Ghana have criticized TV personality, Berla Mundi, accusing her of insensitivity while hosting a rape victim on her show.

Some celebrities including Stephanie Benson and Sister Derbie slammed the show host, Berla Mundi for looking on as her audience appeared to show no sympathy for the victim’s ordeal when she was a teen.

The victim, Hannah Mawusi Fiamevor, who narrated her story on TV3 said: “I was a virgin”.

Mawusi said she was only 16 years when a police officer raped her in his room.

“I had to support the family, but one day I was sacked for school fees, but my parents could not afford so I decided to take up laundry business after a mechanic in our area

“I was stuck in the room with the policeman, he physically assaulted me and threatened to kill me if I don’t succumb to his demand, though I was petite I fought back,” she said as the audience laughed over her narration.

After hours of struggling with the law enforcement officer, Mawusi’s strength grew weak and she gave in.

“He threw me into the sofa and hit my head into the wall, and that was when I grew weak…. he was thick tall, and I couldn’t wrestle him anymore.”

Helpless Mawusi said she cried for help, but no help came.

The posture of some in the audience as the now 25-year-old narrated her ordeal did not go down well with a section of the public.

They took to their social media platforms to express their disgust over the matter.

According to them, the actions of the audience and the show host depicts how much the Ghanaian society does not consider rape as a serious offense.



This comes weeks after controversial counselor, George Lotterodt was heavily criticized on social media for alleging that all rape victims enjoy the act at some point during the assault.




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