
Chamber of Mines commends emergency services in Bogoso explosion

The Ghana Chamber of Mines has commended the Ghana Police Service, the Ghana National Fire Service, NADMO, Minerals Commission, and mining companies for the timely intervention in chemical explosion at Appiatse, near Bogoso.

Mr. Sulemanu Koney, CEO of the Chamber of Mines, said the Chamber would continue to collaborate with the organisations in the search and rescue efforts.

The accident, which occurred on Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022, led to the loss of lives and destruction of properties.
“We offer our deepest condolences to the families of the deceased and assure them of our support during this difficult period,” he said.

The CEO said as a country there was the need to make every effort to prevent such unfortunate accidents in the future.

Mr. Eric Asubonteng, President of the Mining Chamber, said the immediate priority was toprovide relief to the families of the deceased and to cater for the needs of the injured and the people in the community.

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