
Check quality of agro-chemicals on the market – Farmers urge authorities

Source The Ghana Report

Farmers in the Oforikrom Municipality of the Ashanti Region have urged the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA)  to ensure that all agro-chemical products in the market meet the required standards.

According to the farmers, the quality of agro-chemicals sold on the Ghanaian market keeps deteriorating, affecting production and strengthening resistance to pests.

After being crowned the 2023 best farmer for the municipality, Benjamin Afrane noted, “Some of the agro-chemicals we use on the farm in recent times do not produce the expected results. Farmers have to use their discretion to measure the volume of pesticides they will apply on their farm because if you follow the direction on the label, it doesn’t work as it used to. The quality has dropped, but prices keep increasing. The Standard Authority should look into this”.

The 49-year-old, together with eight farmers, were honoured at this year’s Farmers’ Day celebration in the Oforikrom municipality for their outstanding performance and contribution towards the country’s food security.

He implored the youth to take advantage of the government’s second phase of the Planting for Food and Jobs programme and embrace agriculture as an “economic venture where you go and reap in a peaceful atmosphere”.

He added, “We are convinced with the right support, Ghanaian farmers can produce more than we can eat, which will drastically cut down on food imports”.

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