
Closure of GBC channels unconstitutional – NMC to Communications Ministry

The National Media Commission (NMC) has stated that the Communications Ministry’s decision to close three channels of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation undermined the constitutional rights of the state corporation.

The move to shut down three of GBC’s Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) channels, the sector ministry explained was to free up space.

But the NMC, in a statement signed by its Chairman, Yas Boadu-Ayeboafo, has argued that the directive, which is a direct attack on the commission, has no place in the current constitutional dispensation.

“It is the view of the commission that any action by any entity which culminates into limiting or depriving the media of the use of public resources legitimately allocated to them undermines their capacity to serve the nation as anticipated by the Constitution.

“The Commission wishes to state clearly that the directive given to GBC and Crystal TV by the Minister for Communications purports to usurp the constitutional mandate and authority of the National Media Commission,” the statement available to theghanareport.com.

It further said that the closure would denote a form of political control which hindered the two media houses from adequately serving its purpose.

The commission, has therefore assured that it shall continue to perform its guardian role with a high sense of dedication, alertness and patriotism.

The company currently operates, GBC News (GTV Governance and GBC 24 merged), Obonu TV, GTV Life, GTV, GTV Sports Plus, and Ghana Learning TV.

Below is the full statement to that effect

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