
Akufo-Addo must stop ‘clearing’ corrupt appointees – Mahama charges

Source The Ghana Report/Gloria KAFUI Ahiable

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama, has chastised the Akufo-Addo government for constantly shielding corrupt appointees under his administration.

Shielding corrupt appointees, according to the NDC Presidential candidate, would hinder appropriate investigative bodies from taking expedite action on corrupt appointees.

In a statement to mark International Anti-Corruption Day, the NDC candidate urged the Akufo-Addo government to stop making excuses as a cover up for the increasing cases of corruption leveled against his administration.

To win corruption fight, Mr Mahama believes there is the need for a genuine and collective effort to tackle the corruption menace.

“Let us make make a determined commitment to take action, lead the change and be the change in our country’s fight against corruption and nepotism, ” the statement stressed.

The NDC flagbearer reiterated the NDC’s commitment in the fight against corruption over the years.

“We have demonstrated in the past, the NDC will make no excuses in this fight. We shall protect the rights of our people to expose corruption and undertake to investigate credible allegations that come to our attention. No journalist will be killed, live in fear or flee the country because of their investigative reporting. We will strengthen and make the anti-corruption agencies work without fear or favor, ” the statement added

The NDC Flagbearer,  therefore, urged the urged the general public to work together towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

According to him, the anti-corruption fight will become a major instrument for the achievement of the SDG objectives.

International Anti-Corruption Day

The day has been observed annually, on December 9, since the passage of the United Nations Conventions Against Corruption on October 31, 2003 to raise public awareness for anti-corruption.

The global campaign #UnitedAgainstCorruption focuses on corruption as one of the biggest obstacles to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The abuse of entrusted power for private gain can cost people their freedom, health, life and future, according to the global campaign team.

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