
Counsel for Kennedy Agyapong protest playing of Youtube video in contempt case

Legal counsel for Assin Central MP, Kennedy Agyapong,has protested the use of a video recording as evidence against his client who has been cited for contempt.

Kwame Gyan argued in court that the video recording downloaded from Youtube was unreliable.

“I am at a loss as to whether we sitting here can rely on the information on Youtube. We can’t vouch for the integrity of the info on Youtube platform” theghanareport.com’s court reporter, Gloria Kafui Ahiable, transcribed.

For comments made on his TV station Net 2 TV, the Assin Central MP has been charged with insulting a judge, scandalising the court and bringing the court into disrepute.

Kennedy Agyapong pleaded not guilty to the charges, following which the court played the video containing comments he made on September 2, 2020.

The tough-talking NPP financier called the judge ‘foolish’ and ‘stupid’.

But protesting the use of the video, legal practitioner, Kwame Gyan, wanted the judge to dismiss the use of this video as evidence against his client.

“My Lord, I will have to apply to Youtube because Youtube has a massive disclaimer regarding these things. We are relying on evidence from Youtube…as a practitioner l don’t think it’s fair for me to subject my client to this process.”

He claimed his position is buttressed the by law.

But the judge, Justice Amos Wuntah Wuni, dismissed the legal practitioner’s argument.

“The information on Youtube was not put on Youtube by itself. The info was put there in respect of the statement made by the defendant. Being visual and audio can be seen by all reasonable persons.”

“Therefore, the video will be played in court and a copy put on the pendrive thereafter, together with a transcription of the words authored by the third defendant for counsel to study.”

Net2 TV has a Youtube channel where its programs are streamed live. The video containing the MP’s vituperative comments remains on the channel.

Counsel for the legislator, Alexander Afenyo Markin spoke to the media after Friday’s proceedings.

Watch the video below

  1. Sandman says

    I think Kwame Gyan took some Apio and got drunk before going to stand in from of the judge to defend his client…The damn video was fucking screamed on Net2 TV and live on Youtube for the entire world to watch…Anybody who watched it that day heard Kennedy Adjapong insulting and also the worse part threatening the Judge. You Can’t Get Away with this…Cause there are many Eyewitnesses around who heard and saw him hammering the table with furious anger.

  2. Anonymous says

    Stop insulting such a seasoned lawyer when you know nothing about him save this very case

  3. Eric B. Samms says

    @Sandman,how can you be so disrespectful to such an honorable man(Mr. Kwame Gyan)?. I learnt he(Kwame Gyan) made the court see reasons why they can’t rely on a YouTube-based evidence. It’s (YouTube) having a disclaimer policy and do know what that means?. They can’t be held responsible for anything that goes contrary to their mandate. So what makes you so sure that,Intel on such platforms can’t be manipulated?. Let’s be very circumspect with matters that pertains to our judicial system.

  4. Anonymous says

    You are sick… Why then was Kennedy apologizing? Funny you. He wrote a letter apologizing for insulting the Judges.

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