
Coup plot: ACP Agordzo likely to be interdicted

Source The Ghana Report/Aba Asamoah

The Ghana Report sources close to the Ghana Police administration has picked intelligence that Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Dr. Benjamin Agordzo is likely to be interdicted.

ACP Dr. Benjamin Agordzo was on Monday arrested in connection to a group suspected to be plotting a coup d’état aimed at destabilizing the country.

The police officer is standing trial for alleged treason based on a WhatsApp message he allegedly posted.

Even though ACP Agordzo’s case is yet to be trialed, he has garnered massive public support.

“The decision on his interdiction has been taken already, that I can confirm to you. It is standard practice in such cases. The case is very serious, ” the source said.

BNI cautioned
Security Analyst, Colonel Festus Aboagye (retd) urged the state to be cautious about how it handles ACP Dr Benjamin Agordzo.

He reminded the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) that the allegation against the Dr Agordzo does not mean he is complicit.

He explained that the fact that Dr Agordzo’s messages has appeared in communication on a WhatsApp platform does not mean he is guilty of the charges.

“I argue as indeed the council is saying that the mere invitation by itself and the charges of abetment are not even met,” he said on Joy News TV.

He explained that the BNI may be wrong with the claims as a number of cases he has witnessed have proven.

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