
Court orders ACP Agordzo be handed over to IGP

Source GhanaWeb

The Kaneshie District Court has ordered that the embattled senior officer of the Ghana Police Service, ACP Dr Benjamin Agordzo, be handed over to the Inspector General of Police (IGP) pending investigations of the alleged coup plot.

At a court hearing today, Magistrate Eleanor Kakra Bans Botwe refused pleas by lead counsel of the police officer, Martin Kpebu, to release ACP Agordzo from police custody.

This comes after State Prosecutors had changed the charge sheet presenting a new one in court.

State Prosecutor, Sylvester Asare, said the new sheet was intended to have the charges against all suspects including ACP Agordzo’s in a single document.

The new charge sheet has offences including conspiracy to commit crime namely treason felony, abetment to commit crime namely treason felony, possession of explosives, arms and ammunition without lawful excuse.

Martin Kpebu argued they were not served with the new sheet therefore, once the sheet had been withdrawn, his client should be allowed to go home and return when fresh charges are issued.

However, the court, dismissing the objection by the defence team said the court had not committed any error but was in line with the convention of the law.

The other nine suspects are still in remand and will appear for a next hearing on December 4, 2019.

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