
Covid-19: 2 Ministers admitted at University of Ghana Medical Center

Two Ministers of State are on admission at the University of Ghana Medical Center (UGMC) in Accra.

The Minister for  Regional Reorganisation, Dan Botwe, and Education Minister, Matthew Opoku Prempeh, are on admission at the hospital, one of two hospitals designated for COVID-19 treatment in the Greater Accra Region.

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Apart from the pair, the Minister of Health, Kwaku Agyeman Manu, was admitted at the facility in early June.

All three are members of Parliament, where some MPs were reported to have contracted the disease, but refused to self-isolate.

Ghana’s Health Minister tests positive for coronavirus

It is unknown whether they have tested positive for Covid-19, but the two ministers are reportedly at a place called the ‘Red zone’ where only Covid-19 positive patients are kept, JoyNews has reported.

The two senior members of the government are said to be on admission where only persons with full Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) can go.

Education Minister detained

A statement issued by the Education Ministry confirmed that the Minister had been detained at the UGMC, but was awaiting his test results.

‘On 16th June 2020, he underwent various tests, including COVID-19, after feeling unwell for a  couple of days, He tested negative for the virus and this informed his decision to travel to his constituency for the acclamation on Saturday 20th June 2020.

“Following his return to Accra, he still felt unwell and decided to check himself in for further tests, including a second test for COVID-19.

“Although the results are not out, he has been detained at the UGMC as a precautionary measure for further observation, due to his condition,” the statement said.

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Mr. Botwe is said to have reported at the Hospital last Saturday.

This was on the day the party was the day the New Patriotic Party was either electing or acclaiming its Parliamentary candidates in 167 constituencies.

Ghana’s coronavirus cases stand at 14, 154 with 85 deaths, and 10,473 recoveries.

The number of active cases is 3,596.

Coronavirus: Govt has set up hidden quarantine centers – Health Minister explains preparedness

All 16 regions have confirmed cases of COVID-19, with Greater Accra leading the chart. Ashanti and Western Region follow with 8,075 and 1,148 cases respectively.




1 Comment
  1. Anonymous says

    If several national borders in the West were to not remain locked, they’d have been on their way out to seek “better health care.” Hope they become sensible enough to invest in our country’s infrastructure, rather than continuing to be the corrupt government/public property thieves that some of them are, looting this nation’s limited resources into their own private pockets and those of their families, friends, and cronies.

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