
Covid-19: Hotels, restaurants resume business as Tourism Authority eases restrictions

The Ghana Tourism Authority eased restrictions imposed on the hospitality industry as the country battles the deadly coronavirus.

It has given restaurants, hotels and drinkings bars the green light to resume operations.

In a statement issued by the GTA, all these institutions can resume operations while “observing appropriate social distancing and hygiene protocols”.

“Food chains and restaurants can operate sit-down as well as pick-up and delivery services while observing appropriate social distancing and hygiene protocols. All night clubs must remain closed,” the statement from the Ghana Tourism Authority read.

It added “drinking bars can operate while observing appropriate social distancing and hygiene protocols. In all situations, hospitality facilities should observe tho staff management and workplace protocols and precaution, measures on public gatherings with the view of achieving social distancing and hygiene protocols as spelt out in the Imposition of Restrictions (Coronavirus Di (COVID-19) Pandemic) Instrument. 2020 (E.I. 64)”.

This is despite President Akufo-Addo’s extension of the ban on social gathering. On May 10, 2020, President Akufo-Addo extended the ban on social gathering to May 31 as part of measures to contain the spread of the virus.

“Tonight, I have come into your homes to announce that the ban on public gatherings, as set out in E.I 64, has been extended also to the end of the month, i.e. 31st May. So, during this period, there will continue to be a ban on public gatherings, such as the holding of conferences, workshops, parties, nightclubs, drinking spots, beaches, festivals, political rallies, religious activities and sporting events. All educational facilities, private and public, continue to remain closed. There is still a ban on funerals, other than private burials conducted with not more than twenty-five (25) persons,” the President Akufo-Addo said in his 9th address to the nation.

At the time of his address to the nation, Ghana’s COVID-19 cases were 4,700 with 22 deaths.

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