
Create police ministry to avoid political interference – Former IGP John Kudalor

A former Inspector-General of Police (IGP), John Kudalor, has suggested that the creation of a police ministry headed by technocrats will reduce political interference in the service.

“If we get a Police Ministry with a technocrat as head, not a politician, who will listen to us, it will help,” he said in a radio interview on Monday, August 9.

According to him, the current system where the leadership of the service is almost at the beck and call of political figures impedes the execution of officers

“It will help us also do our work well. If you belong to party A or B the IGP should be able to make an order just as they do abroad where Ministers can even be arrested, we will need to develop that courage to be able to arrest Ministers in Ghana,” he added.

He has, therefore, called for the establishment of a Police Ministry that should be headed by a non-partisan head to steer affairs of the Police Service.

Reacting to the appointment of the new IGP, COP Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, Mr. Kudalor expressed his faith in Dr. Dampare arguing that he had the potential to transform policing in Ghana.

“He has principles and is also always determined to stick to that principle. When he is convinced that we need to do something, he will want to follow through to the end. Though he is a team player he is not easily convinced, you cannot manipulate him. He is very strict,” the former IGP said of the new one.

Rallying support for Dr Dampare the former IGP said “the politicians should leave the work of police officers to the men and women in uniform so that the competent men will work. The interference disturbs,” he told Onua FM.

Security analysts have over the years advocated for the depoliticization of the security service.

According to them, political interference impedes professionalism but despite the calls, there hasn’t been the political will to wean the service of partisan influence.

Security analyst, Emmanuel Kintu recently described Ghana’s polarized system as one that has created a situation where security officials take orders from politicians instead of solely abiding by their code of ethics in discharging their duties.

“The military is supposed to have its own command and control, but we have a democratic system where we have politicians being Chairmen of the Regional Security Councils and District Security Councils. I think that it is about time government sits up and makes people pay for their actions,” Kintu argued.

He said Ghana had to “move beyond politics and see crime as crime and punish people when they commit a crime,” in order to fully address insecurity in the country.

“What I am seeing in this country is that people are hiding behind politicians and politics and committing a lot of crimes,” he explained.

Former President John Mahama while seeking reelection in 2020 acknowledged the need to depoliticize the security agencies.

He promised in a campaign speech not only to depoliticize the service but also to ensure transparency and discipline.

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