
Decapitated body washed ashore at Ekumpoano

The body of a woman believed to be in her early 30s has been washed offshore at Ekumfi Ekumpoano in the Ekumfi District of the Central Region during a funeral ceremony.

Information gathered indicates that the deceased was washed offshore naked, with her vagina, head, and intestines removed from her trunk.

Residents in the area who witnessed the deceased after washing offshore believed that she was killed elsewhere with parts of her body severed and her intestines removed before being thrown into the sea.

The deceased was believed to be a student of an unidentified school.

The deceased, was on the verge of decomposition, making it difficult for her to be identified.

According to the eyewitness, this is the first time such an incident has happened in the community.

Libations and other sacrifices were performed before the body could be touched.

Meanwhile, police, chiefs, and the National Disaster Management Organization were immediately informed and the body was deposited at the mortuary for autopsy preservation and identification.

The police and the residents of the area are appealing to the general public to identify the family of the deceased.

Residents are living in fear and panic as they are afraid a calamity may happen to them.

According to some leaders of the community, the community is surrounded by bushes which provide cover for bad people to attack others who may go fishing.

They are calling on the police to increase their security presence in the area.

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