
Declare return of dumsor and release load shedding timetable – Mutawakilu

The Minority in Parliament wants government to be candid with Ghanaians and release a load shedding timetable following the recent power outages across the country.

According to the Minority Spokesperson on Mines and Energy, Adam Mutawakilu, the recent power outages are a reflection of the financial troubles facing the energy sector due to government’s mismanagement of the sector.

Addressing journalists on what many fear may be a return of the erratic power supply also known as “dumsor”, Adam Mutawakilu said a load shedding timetable should be announced to at least help consumers plan their activities and the use of electricity.

“Last night I slept in darkness. You know the Minority raised the issue that we are back to Dumsor and in November GRIDCo gave the same explanation that it is due to technical challenges and I  said it is because we do not have money…Since November we have consistently had load shedding and it is not as widespread as it has happened the day before and, as we speak, many other areas are still experiencing it.

“There is a huge shortfall of 1,000 megawatts and I want President Nana Akufo-Addo to officially declare dumsor and come out with a load shedding timetable because this is causing a lot of havoc to businesses and he must do the honourable thing by officially declaring dumsor.”

Many parts of the country have been hit with a blackout in the last couple of days

Grid shutdowns 

This is the fourth time in 3 years that Ghana has faced near-total grid shutdowns.

In all these instances, the System Operator – The Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCO) – failed to provide comprehensive reasons for the occurrences to the Ghanaian public.

Power to be normalized within five days – Amewu

Minister of Energy, Peter Amewu has said Ghanaians will have to endure the recent power outages for five more days.

The Minister blamed the recent outages on technical challenges and the construction of an interchange at Pokuase in Accra, adding that the challenges will be rectified within the next five days.

“Definitely because of the construction work that is going on [at Pokuase] there is a need for them [companies in the power distribution chain] to halt the transmission of power for this period. So these are some of the problems they are facing. You can see the progress of work and my expectation is that it is going to be completed within about five days. But we’ve put in measures to minimize the impact. This is one of the major causes of interruptions. The problem has been caused by technical issues,” Amewu assured.

Source: citinewsroom

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