
Don Little reportedly arrested by police for knocking down a motor rider with his car

Ghanaian actor, Stephen Atangah, popularly known as Don Little, is reportedly arrested by the police after allegedly being involved in a collision with a motorbike rider.

It is reported that Don Little was taking a friend who was battling with suicidal issues to the hospital when the unfortunate incident occurred.

It was noted that while driving to the hospital, Don Little came across motorriders on the road, and his efforts to avoid them and pave the way for his car proved futile. His intention to bypass them, according to the eyewitness, led to the clash with a motor rider.

“According to Don Little his friend called him that one of their friends wanted to commit suicide so he should intervene. On his way to the hospital with his friend, he was in a hurry. He got to a place where there were motor riders on the way so he blew the horn for them to give him way but it wasn’t successful”.

“In his bid to bypass them, he knocked down one of the motor-riders. Unfortunately, there was an officer [police] around who got to the scene. The officer claimed that Don Little slapped him twice but the actor denied the claims. He was taken to the Kasoa police station,” an anonymous person revealed in an interview with Trends GH TV.

During an interaction with the police, Don Little was heard saying, “I was taking someone to the hospital and one of the motor-riders was in the middle lane and I clashed with him. How can you allow the person who was taking someone to the hospital to be arrested?”.

The police are yet to probe the case.

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