
Don’t fall for e-citizen, NTSA fraudsters – DVLA advises public

Source The Ghana Report/ Dave Alamisi

The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) has refuted the rollout of e-citizen and National Transport Safety Authority (NTSA) portal which requires members of the public with driver’s licence to subscribe to the platforms by December 31, 2019.

The DVLA has subsequently asked the public to disregard such reports on social media as it is being orchestrated by fraudulent groups.

“The Authority wishes to state that it has not issued any announcement as the information portrays neither has it embarked on any such exercise.

“It is one of the modus operandi and clandestine moves by fraudsters, hoaxers, faceless people who want to take advantage of the smooth operations of the Authority to defraud innocent drivers/holders of driver’s licence to get access to their personal information/record and other particulars,” a release by Public Relations Manager of the DVLA, Francis Asamoah Tuffour said on Monday.

The DVLA added that it wishes “to state that the acquisition of a driver’s licence is a privilege and not a right and, therefore, entreats the general public, especially drivers, to safeguard their licence and be wary of such information”.
The also asked the public “to contact any of the Authority’s offices across the country to verify any information when in doubt or via email.”

The report that has been shared many times on various social media platforms reads: “For those with driver’s licence, kindly ensure your licence is on the e-citizen and NTSA portal by 31st December or you will have to re-do the driver’s test. Use this simple test. Type DL, followed by a space and then your ID number and send to 22846 to receive the status of your driving licence’s current data from NTSA.”

The fake news further states: “Don’t miss out because the police and NTSA are now using this, and if the details are missing, it can cause you some delays at the roadblock.”

Ghana has no institution called the National Transport Safety Authority. The country’s road safety mandate is on the lap of the National Road Safety Commission. 






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