
Dumsor kills businesses, Nana fix it! – Yvonne Nelson, John Dumelo, others demonstrate

Source The Ghana Report

Ghanaian movie stars Yvonne Nelson and John Dumelo led a protest on Saturday against the power crises in the country that is crippling business and adversely affecting domestic users.

They were joined by MP for Madina Francis Xavier Sosu, comedian DKB and other popular figures.

Dubbed #DumsorMustStop, protesters marched from the University of Ghana’s main entrance to the Tetteh Quarshie Roundabout, where the organisers voiced out their displeasure about the power situation.

Dressed in black and red, they carried placards, some of which read: ‘No light, no progress’,’ From mate to driver? Show us the light first’, ‘ Your track record is dim’.’Youth of Ghana demand better leadership, end dumsor’.’Dumsor kills businesses, Nana, fix it!

Others were spotted with kerosene lanterns and other types of lights to communicate their message of power-cut inconveniences.

Yvonne Nelson had invited Ghanaians to join her in a massive campaign against recent erratic power cuts several months ago.

The protest initially faced opposition from the police due to the venue and time.

The law enforcement agency had argued that the Revolution Square was a security zone, and a duration that stretched the protest deep into the night could cause chaos.

After weeks of back-and-forth, the parties agreed to start at the University of Ghana and end at Tetteh Quarshie.

This call for action follows similar protests organised by Yvonne and several celebrities in 2015 to express displeasure over unreliable power.

Below is their petition to the government to address the situation:

Below is a copy of the petition meant to be presented to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on June 8, 2024.

1. Healthcare: Our hospitals are struggling to provide adequate care, especially during critical moments such as childbirth. The lack of reliable power supply puts both mothers and newborns at risk, undermining our healthcare system and endangering lives.

2. Businesses; Entrepreneurs and businesses, from small vendors to large enterprises, are experiencing significant operational challenges due to the inconsistent power supply. This is leading to financial losses, layoffs, and, in some cases, the closure of businesses. Our economy cannot thrive under such conditions.

Your Excellency, Mr. President, and Dr. Prempeh, we urge you to prioritise this issue with the urgency it demands. We need transparent and effective solutions to ensure a stable and reliable power supply for all Ghanaians. We implore you to take the following actions:

1. Immediate Measures; Implement short-term strategies to mitigate the current power shortages and provide relief to affected areas.

2. Long-term Solutions: Develop and communicate a comprehensive plan to upgrade and expand our power infrastructure, incorporating sustainable energy sources to prevent future occurrences of Dumsor.

3. Accountability: Ensure transparency in the management of our energy resources and hold those responsible for inefficiencies accountable.

Ghana has the potential to be a beacon of progress and development in Africa, but we cannot achieve this if we are constantly hindered by power crises. We are confident that with decisive action and commitment, we can overcome this challenge and build a brighter future for our nation. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to your prompt response and to seeing tangible improvements in our power supply situation.

Yours sincerely,
Yvonne Nelson
Henry Akoto Osei
Selorm Dramani Dzramado

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