
Eco-6 Region: The journey for Africa’s economic emancipation

  1. Introduction

In the vast and vibrant continent of Africa, economic challenges have persistently impeded the aspirations of its people for sustainable development and prosperity. Historical legacies of colonialism, fluctuating commodity prices, infrastructural deficits, and the pressing need for financial inclusiveness have long cast shadows over Africa’s potential.

Yet, amidst these challenges, the quest for innovative and transformative solutions has never waned. The Eco-6 Region, encompassing states, territories, and realms of the African Diaspora Sixth Region, emerges as a beacon of hope in this quest, promising a new era of economic emancipation for Africa and its diaspora.

The Eco-6 Region is not just a geographical entity; it represents a bold vision for the future of Africa, one that bridges the continental divide and unites the African diaspora for a common purpose. Established by the Treaty on August 1st, 2019, the Economic Community of States, Territories, and Realms of the African Diaspora Sixth Region (Eco-6) signifies a groundbreaking initiative to harness the collective strength, resources, and ingenuity of Africans, both on the continent and across the globe. This ambitious project aims to eradicate poverty, foster sustainable development, and ensure the economic well-being of Africa’s people through the promotion of intra-African trade, investment, and the innovative use of the Lumi currency.

At the heart of the Eco-6’s transformative agenda is the adoption of the Lumi as a pan-African currency, envisioned to facilitate trade, reduce dependency on foreign currencies, and create a unified economic space. The Lumi, backed by renewable energy and pegged to gold, stands as a testament to Africa’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, and self-reliance. It is a currency that embodies the spirit of freedom and empowerment, offering a stable and inclusive medium of exchange that can drive economic growth and integration across the African diaspora. The Eco-6’s legal and institutional framework, as outlined in its founding treaty and subsequent statutes, provides a solid foundation for cooperation and collective action.

Through its organs, including the Community Authority, House of Chiefs, and various governmental institutions like the African Diaspora Central Bank, Eco-6 is poised to address critical issues facing the continent, from infrastructure development to financial inclusiveness and environmental sustainability. The introduction of the Lumi and the establishment of Eco-6 come at a pivotal moment in Africa’s history. As the continent seeks to navigate the complexities of the 21st century, these initiatives offer a path toward a future where Africa’s economic destiny is in its own hands. The Eco-6 Region and the Lumi currency are not mere economic tools; they are symbols of Africa’s resilience, creativity, and unwavering determination to achieve economic emancipation.

As this new chapter unfolds, the Eco-6 Region stands ready to lead Africa toward a future marked by prosperity, unity, and global significance. The journey for Africa’s economic emancipation is underway, fueled by the collective ambition and spirit of the African people and their diaspora. In the Eco-6 Region, Africa finds not only a beacon of hope but a tangible manifestation of its potential to reshape its economic landscape and chart a course toward sustainable growth and development. The dawn of Africa’s economic emancipation shines brightly on the horizon, promising a future where the continent and its people thrive together, bound by shared heritage, common purpose, and the indomitable will to succeed.

  1. Historical Background and Formation of Eco-6

The ECO-6 initiative, formally known as the Economic Community of the Six Regions, was established by the Joint Statute of ECO-6 and the United Kingdoms of Africa on the Global Commonwealth of New Africa in 2021. This initiative was born out of a shared recognition of the critical need to address economic disparities, foster sustainable development, and enhance integration among its member regions, which include the African Diaspora recognized as the 6th region by the African Union. The formation of ECO-6 was triggered by the growing awareness of the unique challenges and opportunities faced by the African continent and its Diaspora.

The initiative aims to leverage the vast potential of the African Diaspora, engaging it as a key partner in Africa’s development. By acknowledging the African Diaspora as the 6th region, the African Union has underscored the importance of harnessing the skills, resources, and knowledge of the Diaspora to contribute to the continent’s growth and resilience.

ECO-6 operates through a structured framework that includes a parliamentary system, ensuring that its members have a platform for deliberation, decision-making, and collaboration on policies and initiatives that span across economic, social, and environmental domains. Membership in ECO-6 is open to African countries and territories, as well as Diaspora communities committed to contributing to the continent’s development. This inclusive approach is designed to foster unity, cooperation, and shared prosperity among its members.

The establishment of ECO-6 is supported by various treaties and agreements that delineate its objectives, governance structure, and operational mechanisms. These documents provide the legal and institutional foundation for ECO-6’s activities, ensuring that its initiatives are implemented in a coordinated, effective, and transparent manner. Through these foundational treaties, ECO-6 seeks to promote economic integration, cultural exchange, and sustainable development, creating a robust framework for cooperation and development that benefits all its members.

  1. Structure and Governance of Eco-6

The Eco-6 initiative, formally established in 2021, is structured around the fundamental principles of unity, collaboration, and the promotion of socio-economic development across the African Diaspora. At the heart of its governance structure is the Eco-6 and Global Commonwealth of New Africa Interregional Court of Justice. This principal judicial organ symbolizes the commitment of Eco-6 to uphold justice and legal integrity within the framework of its operations. The Eco-6 Treaty delineates the legal and institutional frameworks that support the initiative, establishing a comprehensive system for cooperation, development, and integration among its members.

The African Diaspora Central Bank (ADCB) and the House of Kings represent pivotal governing bodies within Eco-6, each playing a unique role in advancing the initiative’s objectives. The African Diaspora Central Bank focuses on monetary policy and financial stability, promoting economic growth and integration across the African Diaspora. It aims to implement a unified currency system, enhancing trade and economic collaboration among member states and territories.

The House of Kings serves as a cultural and spiritual guide, ensuring that the initiatives and policies of Eco-6 are aligned with the historical values and traditions of the African Diaspora. This body also plays a crucial role in safeguarding the identity and heritage of the African people, promoting unity and solidarity among its diverse communities.

Furthermore, the Eco-6’s governance structure is characterized by the establishment of the Eco-6 House of Kings Interregional Supreme Court Act, which outlines the composition and functions of the Court. The Court operates as a King’s Court, including a Chief Justice and eight puisne judges, who are elected by the statutes and structures of Eco-6. Membership within Eco-6 is extended to states, territories, and realms across the African Diaspora, embracing entities that share the vision of African unity and development. This inclusive approach fosters a broad base of collaboration and support, leveraging the diverse strengths and resources of its members to achieve common goals.

Treaties and agreements signed under the auspices of Eco-6 have been instrumental in formalizing its existence and outlining the collaborative efforts between member states and the broader international community. These legal documents lay the foundation for Eco-6’s activities, ensuring that its initiatives are grounded in mutual respect, shared responsibility, and a commitment to the collective well-being of the African Diaspora.

  1. Member States and Constituents

The Eco-6 initiative, conceived as a beacon of hope for African economic emancipation, is structured around a complex governance and legal framework designed to foster unity, economic development, and self-sufficiency among its member states and constituents. At the heart of Eco-6’s governance lies the Eco-6 Treaty, a comprehensive document that outlines the initiative’s objectives, member obligations, and the overarching goal of uniting the African diaspora and continental Africa in a shared economic and cultural mission.

4.1 Key Governing Bodies of Eco-6

  1. African Diaspora Central Bank (ADCB)

The ADCB is a pivotal institution within the Eco-6 structure, serving as the monetary authority for the initiative. It is responsible for the issuance and regulation of the LUMI currency, a digital currency aimed at facilitating trade, investment, and economic stability across the African diaspora and member states. The ADCB’s role extends to driving Diaspora Direct Investments (DDI) to Africa, thereby creating an integrated capital market between the continent and the diaspora.

House of Kings

Another cornerstone of the Eco-6 governance structure is the House of Kings. This body brings together various indigenous monarchs and chiefs from across the continent and the diaspora, including nations in Canada, Australia, the USA, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. The House of Kings has a mandate to protect African identity and counteract foreign hegemony within the Sixth Region and across the continent. It operates in close partnership with indigenous kingdoms in Africa, articulating its policies and decrees to ensure the integrity of African culture and economic interests.

4.2 Legal and Institutional Framework

The Eco-6 Treaty provides a legal backbone for the initiative, establishing a framework for cooperation and integration among member states and the diaspora. This treaty outlines the principles of operation, member state obligations, and the goals of economic emancipation and development. Additionally, the African Diaspora Central Bank’s establishment under the treaty signifies a structured approach to creating a stable and inclusive monetary system with the LUMI currency.

The initiative’s governance is further supported by various protocols and agreements, including those related to the Eco-6 Interregional Court of Justice, which adjudicates disputes within the community and ensures compliance with the Eco-6 Treaty and other regulations. The court’s jurisdiction encompasses legal disputes related to the treaty, interregional obligations, and the broader legal framework governing the Eco-6 community.

  1. The Lumi Currency: A Tool for Economic Revolution

The Lumi currency, under the auspices of the Economic Community of the African Diaspora 6th Region (ECO-6) and its adoption by the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD), represents a pioneering move towards economic self-sufficiency and sustainability in Africa. It stands out for its backing by renewable energy and gold, a strategic choice aimed at providing a stable and sustainable alternative to traditional fiat currencies like the dollar. This innovative financial instrument is governed by the African Diaspora Central Bank (ADCB) and is designed to catalyze economic revolution across Africa and among the African diaspora.

Lumi’s valuation is uniquely pegged to solar energy and gold, with each unit representing 100KWh of solar energy and convertible into 4 grains of gold, or approximately 0.02657 grams. As of the current assessment, 1 LUMI is valued at US$15.96, reflecting a novel approach to currency valuation that intertwines the economic potential of renewable resources with the longstanding value stability of gold. This method not only underlines the currency’s intrinsic value but also aligns with global trends towards sustainable development and the green economy.

The implementation of the Lumi currency across ECO-6 member states is anticipated to have a profound impact on financial inclusion, particularly among the African diaspora. Its integration within the digital finance platform Swifin, as reported, emphasizes real-time financial transactions, facilitating economic growth and providing direct financial stimulus to businesses and households. This approach is particularly significant in addressing the highly unbanked population in Africa, promoting financial inclusion at both global and local scales. Lumi’s role in economic transformation is multifaceted.

It aims to stimulate trade, address currency instability, and enhance intra-African trade by providing a stable and universally accepted medium of exchange. This could significantly lower transaction costs and complexities, potentially boosting intra-African trade and facilitating smoother cross-border transactions. Moreover, Lumi’s backing by gold and renewable energy sources positions it as an attractive option for foreign investment, potentially increasing the continent’s foreign direct investment inflows. The recent guidelines issued by the Swifin digital platform underscore the digital-first approach of Lumi, stipulating that conversion to fiat currencies may be restricted, prioritizing countries with digital currencies for conversion processes. This policy reflects a strategic move to promote digital economic integration and underscores the digital currency’s role in facilitating trade and economic transactions within the community. ECO-6’s decision to set a deadline for the Lumi currency’s integration signifies a determined step towards widespread adoption in Africa, marking a pivotal moment in the continent’s economic evolution.

  1. Projects and Achievements

One of the hallmark projects under the Economic Community of the African Diaspora 6th Region (ECO-6) is the investment in the Mandrolli Automobile EV startup. This initiative represents ECO-6’s commitment to sustainable development and innovation. By investing in electric vehicle technology with about $9 billion equivalent in Lumi, ECO-6 not only champions eco-friendly transportation solutions but also positions the African Diaspora at the forefront of the global green economy. The Mandrolli Automobile project is expected to stimulate job creation, foster technological advancement, and reduce carbon emissions, aligning with ECO-6’s goals of sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

The Birland State, or Bir Tawil Land, exemplifies the pioneering spirit of the ECO-6 initiative by indicating interest in adopting the Lumi currency as a legal tender. This move not only signifies a strong partnership between Birland State and ECO-6 but also highlights the innovative financial mechanisms ECO-6 is introducing to enhance economic stability and growth. The adoption of the Lumi currency, backed by solar energy and gold, is set to revolutionize financial transactions, reduce dependency on traditional fiat currencies, and promote economic sovereignty within the region.

Nigeria’s launch of the eNaira, Africa’s second official digital currency, represents a significant step towards digital financial inclusion and economic modernization. ECO-6’s engagement with Nigeria demonstrates a strategic approach to integrating the Lumi currency with existing digital currencies like the eNaira. This collaboration aims to facilitate cross-platform transactions, enhance liquidity, and support economic activities across the Diaspora and African states, showcasing the potential of digital currencies in fostering a more inclusive and dynamic economic landscape.

The indication of interest in the Lumi currency by South Africa, Uganda, Ghana, and Tunisia underscores the widespread recognition of Lumi’s potential to transform the economic fortunes of the African Diaspora and the continent. Each of these countries brings unique strengths and opportunities to the ECO-6 community, from South Africa’s educational institutions accepting fees in Lumi to Uganda hosting the Swifin headquarters, enhancing the digital currency’s accessibility and utility across the continent.

The Nation of Hawai’i’s hosting of the Indigenous Bank facilitated through a comprehensive treaty, marks a historic alliance within the framework of ECO-6. This treaty not only paves the way for enhanced economic cooperation but also signifies mutual recognition of the importance of sustainable and inclusive economic practices. The treaty’s signing heralds a new era of partnership, with Hawai’i receiving an injection of 16 million Lumi into its treasury, an equivalent of $255 million. This infusion of capital is poised to catalyse various developmental projects, underscoring the tangible benefits of international cooperation under the ECO-6 umbrella.

ECO-6’s vision transcends continental boundaries, as evidenced by ongoing discussions with nations such as Turkey, India, Mauritius, Malaysia, Kailaasa nation and Dubai to integrate the Lumi currency into their economic operations. This expansion reflects a growing acknowledgement of the Lumi currency’s potential as a stable and sustainable financial instrument, capable of facilitating international trade and investment while promoting economic sovereignty. The potential integration of Lumi into these diverse economies represents a significant leap towards global economic inclusivity, offering a blueprint for other nations and regions to engage with the ECO-6 initiative.

The partnership with Hawai’i and the potential integration of Lumi in Turkey, India, Malaysia, and Dubai underscores ECO-6’s strategic approach to building a global network of economic cooperation and sustainability. These developments not only enhance the visibility and viability of the Lumi currency but also open up new avenues for trade, investment, and cultural exchange across the global African Diaspora and allied nations. As ECO-6 continues to forge these international partnerships, it solidifies its role as a catalyst for economic innovation and empowerment, setting the stage for a future where economic progress and sustainability go hand in hand.

  1. Challenges and Future Prospects

The Economic Community of the African Diaspora 6th Region (ECO-6) faces several challenges in implementing its wide-ranging initiatives, from establishing a cohesive economic framework to fostering inclusivity and sustainable development across its member states and the African diaspora. These challenges are both structural and practical, encompassing the complexity of coordinating among diverse member states, ensuring the effective implementation of the Lumi currency, and achieving the ambitious goals of economic emancipation and integration.

7.1 Challenges

  1. Coordination and Harmonization: One of the most significant challenges is the coordination and harmonization of policies among member states, each with its economic priorities, legal systems, and governance structures. Achieving consensus on key initiatives, such as the adoption and implementation of the Lumi currency, requires extensive diplomatic efforts and the alignment of diverse interests.
  2. Economic Diversification and Sustainability: While ECO-6 aims to leverage the African diaspora’s potential to drive economic development, diversifying economies away from over-reliance on a few sectors and ensuring sustainable development remain critical challenges. This includes fostering innovation, supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and investing in renewable energy and sustainable practices.
  3. Financial Inclusion and Accessibility: Despite the introduction of the Lumi currency designed to enhance financial inclusion, significant hurdles remain in ensuring widespread accessibility and acceptance of this digital currency, especially in regions with limited technological infrastructure or where digital literacy rates are low.
  4. International Recognition and Integration: Gaining international recognition for the Lumi currency and integrating it into the global financial system pose challenges. This includes navigating international regulations, ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) standards, and establishing partnerships with international financial institutions.

7.2 Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

  1. Enhanced Regional Cooperation: To address coordination challenges, ECO-6 could establish more robust mechanisms for regional cooperation, including regular summits, working groups, and task forces focused on key initiatives, ensuring that member states have a platform for dialogue and consensus-building.
  2. Investment in Infrastructure and Education: Addressing the challenges of economic diversification and sustainability could involve significant investments in infrastructure, particularly in the digital, energy, and transportation sectors, alongside investments in education and vocational training to build a skilled workforce.
  3. Public Awareness and Digital Literacy Programs: To overcome hurdles related to financial inclusion and the adoption of the Lumi currency, ECO-6 could launch comprehensive public awareness campaigns and digital literacy programs, aimed at both urban and rural populations, to educate them on the benefits and usage of digital currencies.
  4. Engagement with International Bodies: Gaining international recognition and integration for the Lumi currency requires strategic engagement with international financial institutions, regulatory bodies, and potential partner countries. This could involve negotiating agreements, ensuring regulatory compliance, and participating in international forums to advocate for the recognition and acceptance of the Lumi currency.

Despite these challenges, the prospects of ECO-6 remain promising. With strategic planning, robust cooperation among member states, and engagement with the international community, ECO-6 can pave the way for a more integrated, sustainable, and economically empowered African diaspora. The successful implementation of initiatives such as the Lumi currency could serve as a model for regional economic integration and development, offering valuable lessons for similar efforts globally.

  1. Conclusion

The Economic Community of the African Diaspora 6th Region (ECO-6) represents a groundbreaking initiative poised to redefine the economic landscape of Africa and its global diaspora. By fostering a unified economic framework that leverages the strength, creativity, and potential of the African diaspora, ECO-6 aims to catalyze sustainable development, enhance trade, and ensure financial inclusivity across the continent and beyond. Its visionary approach, symbolized by the adoption of the Lumi currency, underscores a commitment to innovative financial mechanisms that promise economic sovereignty and resilience.

The transformative potential of ECO-6 is vast. By integrating the African diaspora into the continent’s economic fabric, ECO-6 seeks to bridge historical divides, harness untapped potential, and create a formidable economic bloc capable of significant global influence. The initiative’s focus on sustainable and renewable energy sources, alongside the promotion of digital currencies like the Lumi, sets a precedent for economic practices that are not only environmentally responsible but also inclusive and forward-thinking. However, the success of ECO-6 is not the responsibility of its founding members alone.

It requires the active support, participation, and collaboration of African nations, their diaspora, and international partners. This call to action extends beyond governmental and institutional engagement; it seeks to mobilize individuals, businesses, and communities around the shared goal of African economic emancipation and prosperity. To African nations and the diaspora worldwide, the journey of ECO-6 is your journey. Your involvement, whether through investment, policy support, or participation in ECO-6 initiatives, is crucial to realizing the dream of a unified and economically empowered Africa. By embracing the vision of ECO-6, we can collectively forge a future where Africa and its diaspora thrive, grounded in mutual respect, economic collaboration, and shared prosperity.

About the authors

Dr. David King Boison

Dr. David King Boison is the esteemed CEO of Knowledge Web Centre, a prominent research and consulting firm. He chairs the Ethics Review Committee at the National Health Insurance Authority, ensuring ethical conduct in health data management. Dr. Boison also serves as Track Chair at the Academy of African Business Development, fostering business scholarship in Africa. Notably, he pioneered the e-port system at GPHA, revolutionizing port operations with a seamless, paperless approach. His extensive consulting experience spans both national and international organizations. Additionally, he leads the Ethics Board at the Ghana Institute of Freight Forwarders, promoting industry integrity.

Dr. Boison’s academic portfolio includes a Business Administration degree and dual MSc degrees from Coventry University, UK, in Supply Chain Management and Management Information Systems. He also holds a PhD in Business Administration, specializing in supply chain. A certified Prince2 Project Practitioner, his expertise extends to advanced project management methodologies.

Albert Derrick Fiatui

Albert Derrick Fiatui, is the Executive Director at the Centre for International Maritime Affairs, Ghana (CIMAG), an Advocacy, Research and Operational Policy Think-Tank, with focus on the Maritime Industry (Blue Economy) and general Ocean Governance. He is a Maritime Policy and Ocean Governance Expert.

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