
Entry Requirement To Education Colleges To Be Reviewed – NTC

Source The Ghana Report

The National Teaching Council (NTC) has revealed plans to revise entry requirements for various colleges of education nationwide. 

NTC Registrar, Dr. Christian Addai-Poku, said they have approached the Ministry of Education and Parliament to begin discussions.

Dr. Addai-Poku stressed the need to tackle the use of fake grades for tertiary institutions in the country.

He contends that some private senior high schools use foul means to pass their students into higher educational institutions.

He said this also accounted for the poor performance in the recent teacher licensure exams.

He proposed stringent measures to prevent such students from transitioning into higher educational institutions.

“We’ve been working behind the scenes trying to find a way of dealing with this. That is why we are bringing reforms to the licensure examination. We have even approached the Ministry of Education, and we have approached Parliament trying to see how we can restructure the entry requirement to the colleges and so on.

“We have a challenge. I must also concede that even they go beyond the training institutions. Sometimes you have to also look at the foundational level; right from the basic school to the senior high to the university, because if the person is good at the senior high and deserves the WASSCE result that the person used to enter college, then the person shouldn’t have had difficulty in going through the licensure exam,” he said on June 24.

There was a mass failure of students in the recent Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination conducted in May 2023. Out of 7,728, a staggering figure of 6,451, constituting 83.5%, failed.

Some students have expressed concerns that the areas of questions did not match their specific fields of study.

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