
Final salute! Remembering the fallen cops who made the ultimate sacrifice

Source The Ghana Report

Throughout history, the Ghana Police Service has borne witness to the selfless dedication of its officers, many of whom have paid the ultimate price in the line of duty.

From confronting heavily armed and highly dangerous criminals to navigating treacherous roads, these brave men and women have faced dangers that few could comprehend.

The law enforcement body has the audacious task of subduing the toughest criminals, even under heavy gunfire.

The annals of the police service are replete with stories of officers who gave their lives for the country.

The cold and gruesome murder of police constables Owusu Sekyere, popularly known as ‘Kwaku Ninja’, and Jerry Wornu, also known as ‘Taller’, in 1998 rings a loud bell in the ears of older Ghanaians.

Taller (L) and Kwaku Ninja (R)
Taller (L) and Kwaku Ninja (R)


The demise of the two criminal hunters has become a symbol of strength and power for the Ghana Police Service.

Some officers of the badge were victims of violence while courageously confronting armed assailants in the defence of law and order.

Others met their end in tragic accidents, their lives cut short while patrolling the nation’s highways.

This sad reality was recently brought to light again as three police officers met their untimely deaths on their way to Kwahu ahead of the Easter festivities.

The cenotaph at the National Police Training School is etched with the names of these fallen heroes and heroines. Annual Police Memorial Day events are organized to recognise the contributions and sacrifices of these officers.

The following is a list of police officers, in no particular order, who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.

Each name represents a life cut short, a family forever changed, and a nation indebted to their service and selflessness.

The Trio — Chief Inspector Michael Adzaho, Inspector Theresa Zampiah and Corporal Emmanuel Asamoah

The three police officers died in a fatal accident at Kyekyewere along the Accra-Kumasi highway on Wednesday, March 27, 2024.

The officers were in a convoy heading towards Kwahu to ensure peace and security ahead of the Easter festivities in March.

A video of the incident shows a white police jeep belonging to the Formed Police Unit (FPU) in a bush, with its doors unhinged.

Eyewitness accounts suggest that one of the car tyres burst, causing the vehicle to somersault and land in a ditch.

Constable Prince Amoah

He died on Wednesday, January 24, 2024.

The deceased officer and other colleagues were on patrol at a galamsey site in Kwawu, a community in Enchi-Kwawu in the Aowin Municipality of the Western North region.

They were responding to a call about three motorbikes with suspicious individuals carrying back packs that failed to stop at a police snap checkpoint.

During the pursuit, the team encountered an improvised wooden bridge over a river close to the abandoned mining pit.

The service vehicle, with registration number GP-2694, got stuck on the bridge, which subsequently collapsed when the driver attempted to reverse, causing the vehicle to plunge into the river.

Residents managed to rescue the other officers, but Constable Prince Amoah was found dead.

Chief Inspector Abednego Kofi Kechire

He died in a deadly motor accident at Juaso in the Ashanti region on August 6, 2021.

He was escorting the advance team of the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, to Wa.

Chief Inspector James Issaka Aroma

He died in a motor accident while responding to a robbery incident.

The incident occurred on October 21, 2021, on the Tamale-Walewale highway.

He was deployed as the leader of an anti-robbery task force to counter robbery activities and ensure the safety of commuters on the highway.

Affectionately called Chief Aroma, he was enlisted into the Ghana Police Service on July 4, 1995.

Constable David Gbati

The circumstances leading to his death are still unclear.

Reports suggest that he was shot by one of his senior colleagues, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Frank Nsiah, Head of the Western North Police Intelligence Unit.

They were returning from an operation at Awaso in the Bibiani-Anhwiaso Bekwai Municipality when he was shot.

The senior police officer was later arrested to assist with the investigation.

Lance Corporal Amoah Callistus

A gang of four armed robbers attacked a bullion van and killed the police escort at Ablekuma Fan Milk on Thursday, June 22, 2023.

The robbers pounced on the bullion van that had made a stop at a fuel station during the day and shot the police several times at point-blank range.

Even though the bullion van driver escaped unharmed, the officer died on the spot.

General Constable Iddrisu Gafaru

He was involved in a fatal motor accident on the Walewale-Bolgatanga Highway.

Gafaru and two other officers, all members of the Special Anti-Robbery Task Force, were responding to a robbery incident on Thursday, October 21, 2021.

He later died at the Police Hospital while receiving treatment.

General Sergeant Moses Tetteh Nartey

He died on February 1, 2021.

He was responding to a distress call at Pramkese in the Eastern Region when he was shot and killed by armed robbers.

Nartey was shot in the chest and head.

Sergeant Ahmed Kamal

The police officer met his untimely death on October 9, 2023, when armed robbers opened fire on him and his colleagues at Ejura in the Ashanti Region.

The robbers, who were said to be preparing to rob a mobile money vendor at Ejura, opened fire on the police officers who attempted to counter their move.

Sergeant Titus Avoka Azasiyande

The officer, detailed at a checkpoint at the Bia-Tano Forest, was shot dead by unknown assailants.

He was found lying on top of his AK-47 rifle, with an empty shell lying beside him.

Avoka was stationed at the Tano Forest snap checkpoint, a remote area in the Ahafo region.

Others who also died in the line of duty include Lance Corporal Solomon Tetteh, Corporal Charles Adjei Osekre, Lance Corporal Martin Baba, General Constable Kwarteng Abebrese Nantwi Collins, Lance Corporal Emmanuel Osei, Constable Francis Odoi, Constable Amos Maatey Niganoko and Constable Ernest Newton Dwamena.

The rest are Constable Chris Quarshie, Sergeant William Seworkpor, Corporal Nathaniel Afriyie Marfo and Lance Corporal Balatinang Katapranang Kwasi, Lance Corporal Alhassan Asare and General Lance Corporal Joseph Yankey.

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