
#FixingTheCountry Movement Cancels Airbus Scandal Demo 

Source The Ghana Report

Pressure group #FixingTheCountry Movement has cancelled its planned demonstration against former President John Dramani Mahama over the Airbus scandal.

The group called off the protest due to a formal order by the Ministry of National Security, citing security concerns.

It will be recalled that the group postponed the date for protesting and picketing at the office of former President John Dramani Mahama from November 16 to November 23 due to former First Lady Theresa Kufuor’s funeral.

The convener of the group, Ernest Owusu-Bempah, said in a press statement, “The Fixing the Country Movement wishes to inform the general public that, due to a formal order by the Ministry of National Security, the planned demonstration and picketing at the Cantonments office of former President John Mahama scheduled for Thursday, November 23, 2024, has been called off”.

“National Security informed our leadership of a perceived security considerations that necessitated their request, and we have subsequently suspended the demonstration indefinitely”.

He further apologized to their supporters across the country for the last-minute cancellation.

“We wish to assure them that the campaign to ensure that the Special Prosecutor rapidly investigates the controversial Air Bus bribery saga continues unabated”.

“We will employ all legal and constitutional means to ensure that the investigation is pursued to its logical conclusion,” the statement added.


Earlier, #FixingTheCountry Movement presented a letter to former President Mahama to officially inform him of their planned picketing of his office on Thursday, November 16, 2023, over the Airbus scandal.

In the letter, Mr Owusu-Bempah said they have been on the heels of the Office of the Special Prosecutor for urgent action on the Airbus SE corruption case.

He said former President Mahama’s name featured prominently in the case.

“The European aircraft manufacturer has admitted paying bribes in Ghana when it sold three military aircraft to the country dating back to 2009 -2015 when you were in full control of governance.

“As a matter of fact, the company admitted hiring your brother, Adam Mahama as its consultant in the sale of the aircraft”.

“Indeed, the €35 million involved in the purchase of the aircraft as at the time was equivalent to $40 million and I am wondering why Ghana should spend $40 million to buy an aircraft that was selling at $25 million on the market”.

“Respectfully, Sir, everyone who is privy to the core details of the series of court documents published by the Department of Justice (DOJ) of the United States and the Serious Fraud Office”.

“(SFO) of the United Kingdom cannot allege ignorance of the persons who have brought our nation into this international shame”.

“The Fixing The Country Movement has every reason to believe that government official 1, codenamed in the US court documents, is no other person than your good self”.

“Whereas we do not doubt the competence of our investigative authorities to get to the bottom of this massive international corruption, we’re not enthused at the nonchalant attitude being deployed on the Airbus corruption – Hence, our petition to the OSP.
We are also fortified by the knowledge that as a former president and someone running for office again, you will avail yourself soon to clear the air on the Airbus corruption”.

“Indeed, you owe it to the good people of Ghana who reposed their confidence in you as president for 4 years,” the letter to former President Mahama stated.

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