
Flashback: ‘I have never dated a TV star before’- Sarkodie

Source The Ghana Report

Award-winning rapper, Michael Owusu Addo known as Sarkodie before getting married to his wife Tracy had always been yearning to have children.

The two-time VGMA winner in an interview in 2015 opined that he wished he could have a baby but wanted to settle down and sort out a few things in his music career before proceeding to marry and have children.

As to whom could be the baby mama of his children, Sarkodie said he is not sure anyone who is on television can be his future wife as he has not even dated any lady on screen in his lifetime.

“I like babies, I like kids, I wish I could have a baby, and the baby would never grow up and I could take care of the baby while she stays a baby”.

“However, I have a few things that I want to sort out. Like when it comes to music and the things that I have already started. I need to calm down with my life because marriage is more of a commitment and I can’t be living my life just as I’m living now”.

“I can choose to be wherever I want to be and do what I want to do as an entertainer but when you commit yourself, especially when you have a baby, I never want to miss a day in my child’s life. I want to walk my child and I always say she because I want a daughter,” he said.

However, when Delay asked him if the said mother of his children will be an industry person, the Adonail hitmaker opposed the suggestion and firmly stated, “We can’t talk about that. I can say for a fact with you that I have never had anything to do with anyone on TV”, he added.

The flashback of Sarkodie’s interview with Delay in 2015 has popped up on social media as netizens are debating to figure out the truth about the new allegation made by actress Yvonne Nelson indicating that she has to abort a pregnancy Sarkodie was responsible for in 2010 because he said he wasn’t ready to have a baby in that year.

Aside from that, the renowned musician said he was having another girlfriend therefore the best option for them was to terminate the pregnancy.

According to Yvonne Nelson, Sarkodie, and his manager at the time accompanied her to a clinic at Mamprobi to get the foetus removed. That was after a failed attempt with pills recommended by a friend.

This secret was revealed in Chapter Eight of Yvonne Nelson’s new book titled ‘I am not Yvonne Nelson’.

Since the disclosure, Sarkodie has not opened up to address the issue of whether the claim is true or not.

Meanwhile, most of his friends on social media are saying it might not be true whilst others are calling on the artiste to clear the air on the matter at hand.

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