
Focus on your message to Ghanaians, not insults on Asantehene – Ashanti Chiefs tell Mahama, NDC

Source TheGhanaReport/Gloria Kafui Ahiable

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama has been advised to focus on getting his campaign message to the Ghanaian electorate and stop the irrelevant attacks on the Asantehene and the Manhyia Palace.

The advise comes in the wake of recent comments reportedly made by the former Chief of Staff of John Mahama in response to a claim by the Asantehene at a recent meeting at the UN.

The Asantehene in a bid to show the world the role chieftaincy continues to play in modern politics particularly in Ghana highlighted how he personally prevented chaos in 2016 by imploring on then President Mahama to concede defeat.

But Chief of Staff at the time, Julius Debrah has denied the claims insisting John Mahama conceded defeat voluntarily and was not forced by any particular person or group of persons.

But the response from Mr. Debrah, which many have described as insulting to the Ashanti Chief and Manhyia as a whole appears to be doing more than it was orinally intended to do.

In response to the comment by Julius Debrah, some Ashanti chiefs have offered counsel to Mr Debrah, Mr Mahama and the entire National Democratic Congress Party.

“The attacks on Manhyia Palace and the King won’t do them any good. They should know that no matter the attacks and character assassination, the Asantehene and the Asante Kingdom will continue to remain strong and recognized across the globe, ” a statement released by the chiefs read.

It further noted “The current administration is implementing laudable social interventions such Free SHS, Planting for Food and Jobs amongst others and these policies have brought some form of relief to many Ghanaians.”

The chiefs are therefore of the view that for the NDC to become a credible option to the people of Ghana come December 2020, they need to begin to tailor their messages to suit the electorate and desist from focusing on insults and vituperative.

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