
Four chiefs fined for defying public gathering protocol

The Akropong Circuit Court has fined four chiefs for flouting the ban on social gathering the President imposed to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

The four chiefs would have to pay a fine of GH₵48, 576 to the state or in default serve four years each in prison.

The four– Odehye Kofi Asiedu Adu-Mfum, 57; Nana Semenhyia Ohene Asa Krofa, 43; Benet Osei Opoku alias Ohenenana BS Opoku, 55; and Nana Odiasempa Krobea Asante,70–all pleaded guilty to the charge.

The presiding judge, Arrit Nsemo, applied the minimum sentence fining each of the accused persons 1,012 penalty units which translates to GH₵12,144, in default serves a 4-year jail sentence.

Lawyer  for the accused persons, Joseph Adakpaksa, pleaded for mitigation of sentence considering that only 11 chiefs were performing customary rites to install a chief, but were overwhelmed by the presence of onlookers.

The accused chiefs were arrested on May 2, 2020, for enstooling a Paramount Chief-Oseedeayo Kwasi Akuffo II as Akuapemhene.

Meanwhile, the Akuapem North Municipal Security Council (MUSEC) has directed all chiefs in Akropong-Akuapem in the Eastern Region to hold on to all traditional events till further notice.

The council has also asked the traditional leaders to strictly adhere to the social distancing protocols bearing in mind a minimum of 25 people.

Eastern Region is the region with the third-highest cases of COVID-19 and the Akuapem North Municipality has recorded three cases out of a total of 94 cases.

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