
Four confirmed dead following heavy downpour

Four persons have been confirmed dead following days of heavy downpour worsened by spillage of the Bagre Dam in the North East Region.

Dozens have also been left without homes as a result of the flood, the Regional NADMO Director,  John Alhassan Kweku confirmed the report.

“Three persons, including a 3-year-old girl died in the Bunkpurugu and Langbinsi in the East Mamprusi Municipality. One also drowned in Janga in the West Mamprusi Municipality.

“Several farmlands and households across the region have also been submerged,” Mr Kweku stated.

The NADMO Director, however, assured that the authority will ensure the displaced persons receive the necessary aid.

“NADMO has mobilised some resources to assist the affected victims but you know the government has a huge responsibility to provide more.

“What we have may not be enough for the people so the government and other development partners can come in and help out,” he added in a Joynews interview monitored by theghanareport.com.

The resources provided, he said, has been made possible under the Operation Thunderbolt 2020 initiative.

In 2017, the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) introduced “Operation Thunderbolt” in Tamale.

This was to kick-start a sensitisatio.n programme in communities often affected by the annual spillage from the Bagre Dam in neighbouring Burkina Faso.

It was aimed at educating residents along the flood-prone areas in the three regions of the north, especially in parts of the Northern and Upper East regions, on the need for inhabitants to relocate temporarily from their places of abode to prevent any havoc ahead of the spillage.


In August 2018, communities in Northern and Upper East regions of Ghana were affected by heavy and continuous seasonal rainfall, which was exacerbated by the annual opening of the Bagre dam.

It caused unprecedented flooding in many local communities, with many losing their lives and properties.

The Bagre Dam spilled on the August 31, 2018, when the dam reached its maximum level 235m.

In September 10, that same year, the dam continued to spill, the water level remained at the maximum level of 235m.

The continued rise in water levels resulted in flooding which affected farmlands, and posed threat to lives and properties as the spilled water found its way into the Black and White Volta Rivers, which overflowed into the three regions of the north and the Eastern Region.

According to an assessment report by the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), about 11,959.6 hectares of farm land had been affected by the flooding, posing food insecurity risk to the affected communities.

An initial assessment report produced by NADMO highlighted the devastating impact of the floods.

Some 23 communities in 2 districts (13 communities in Bakwu West District and 11 communities in Talensi Districts) with a total of 3,556 households (21,336) were affected in the Upper East Region.

In the Northern Region, 202 communities in 9 districts, thus 10,567 people, were also affected leading to a total of 31,903 people (5,317 households) affected in both regions.

The report further indicated that the Northern Region had reported the deaths of 9 people and 12 people injured, whilst the Upper East Region reported 6 people dead and 1 missing.

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