
“General Legal Council is a scam” – Lawyer

Source The Ghana Report/Aba Asamoah

Following the massive failure of students who took the entrance exam to the Ghana School of Law, Mawuse Oliver Barker-Vormawor, a Lawyer and Doctoral Candidate at the University of Cambridge, UK, has described the General Legal Council (GLC), the body in charge of legal education in Ghana, as a scam.

In a fierce criticism of the GLC, the former Senior Legal and Policy Officer at the Office of the President of Ghana, slammed the body for the lack of transparency in its undertakings.

“There is zero transparency at the General Legal Council. It’s an institution that counts on and trades in victimization (or perceptions of it); that mistakes fear for respect,” he said.

For him, the current upheaval in legal education in Ghana was caused by the GLC and he believes “it is writing itself into obsolescence,” adding that the body has “made a mess of legal education in Ghana.”

He blames lawyers and faculties of law for not speaking up for the law students seeking to become professional lawyers.

“GLC is a scam,” he disclosed.

In the recently held Ghana School of Law entrance examination, only 128 students representing 7percent passed out of a total of 1820 candidates who sat for the examination.

This massive failure has sparked outrage by the Students’ Representative Council of the Ghana School of Law.

Many have also criticized the GLC for deliberately failing students. Notable among the critics is Prof Stephen Kwaku Asare, popularly known as  Kwaku Azar, who is calling for the dissolution of the regulatory body of legal education in Ghana.

In protest to this development, there is an impending demonstration by Students’ Representative Council of the Ghana School of Law in a way to register their displeasure on October 7.

Full text below:

There is zero transparency at the Ghana Legal Council. It’s an institution that counts on and trades in victimization (or perceptions of it); that mistakes fear for respect!

It is writing itself into obsolescence. They have made a mess of Legal Education in Ghana. Every day this crisis is getting worse. Yet lawyers are so afraid they can’t speak out!!! The Faculties are looking like headless chickens. Their inability to stand up for their students betrays how useless they all are.

GLC is a scam!!

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