
Ghacem donates in support of 34th National Farmers Day celebration

Foremost cement manufacturer, Ghacem Limited, has donated bags of cement to the government in support of the 34th National Farmers Day celebration slated for December.

The cement manufacturer has been a constant supporter of farmers in Ghana and has donated bags of cement annually to support the national celebration.

Ghacem presented over 1,000 bags of cement to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the institution organising this year Farmers Day event.

The Managing Director of Ghacem, Mr. Morten Gade, presented the donation to Dr Gyiele Nurah, Minister of State for Agriculture.

Also present at during a short event at the Ministry was Mr. Kenedy Osei Nyarko, Dep. Minister of Agric in charge of Perennial Crops.

Ghacem has shown its commitment to farmers by acknowledging efforts of farmers yearly through the National Farmers Day celebrations.

As an important event to promote Agriculture, Corporate Entities and private Individuals have supported the government over the years to sustain the event to achieve the objective of promoting the sector.


In his remarks, Mr. Gade underscored Agriculture as the backbone of Ghana’s economy.

He said there is a need for all stakeholders to join hands and ensure promotion agriculture and agribusiness.

Ghacem, he assured, will continue to do its part in line with one of the company’s global sustainability programme of helping the development of the communities in which it lives and work.

He observed that the theme for this year’s national celebration ‘Agriculture, moving Ghana beyond aid” was timely because it fits within government’s commitment of developing the economy beyond aid.

“Ghacem is ready to support Government in this direction,” he assured.

Mr. Gade seized the occasion to inform of the company’s flagship programme ‘the Ghacem Cement Foundation’ which continues to provide free cement for infrastructural development for deprived schools and hospitals and has since its inception invested 16 million Ghana cedis.

On his part, Dr. Gyiele Nurah thanked Ghacem for the consistency in supporting the annual Farmers Day celebration.

He informed that this year’s celebration will be held in Tamale and therefore appealed to corporate institutions to come early with their various support items to ensure smooth preparation of the event.


source: Myjoyonline

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