
Ghana needs a new political framework that transcends political parties-Alan

Source The Ghana Report

The leader of the Movement for Change, Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, says a new political framework beyond political parties is the best solution to the country’s economic crisis.

According to the former trade minister, this is particularly true considering the existing duopoly of NDC and NPP, where different governments come into office and abandon projects initiated by their predecessors.

Mr Kyerematen said moving beyond the duopoly was essential because the divisiveness it fosters is unsustainable and detrimental to the country.

He says under a duopoly, there is a lack of continuity in governance, impacting the implementation of projects and programmes initiated by successive governments.

According to him, the winner-takes-all mentality obscures the opportunity to utilise the talents available.

“So if there was this understanding that we are working towards one common objective, there has to be continuity… then we agree on an operation plan that there are so many people in Ghana, so many categories which require different types of housing, and this is basically how we should go about delivering houses, and then a government comes in, they start, and another party comes in, they continue,” he said.

In the same interview, the leader of the Movement for Change also urged Ghanaians to consider his message of restoring the economy based on his record and credibility.

According to him, there is a tendency for people to dismiss politicians without considering their background and what they have done for themselves and in public office.

He stated that Ghanaians may have had the opportunity to listen to politicians saying the same thing repeatedly, but the crucial consideration should be who the messenger is.

“It is not about the message; it is about who is the messenger. Who are you listening to? That is what is important. I cannot hold brief for what other politicians have said in the past.

“I want people to listen to me and understand what I’m saying based on my record and credibility,” he said.

He made these comments on Joy News on February 3.

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