
Ghana to become hub of film production in West Africa – Mohammed Awal

The Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister-designate Mohammed Awal has promised to make Ghana the hub of filmmaking in West Africa.

He made this known at the Appointment Committee of Parliament on Thursday.

Mr Awal said once he is approved by Parliament, he will see to the establishment of a 20-million-dollar film studio that will also serve as a tourist site.

“We want to build a film and music studio. It’s one element that can increase the tourism potential of this country. We don’t have any serious studio in this country, so this is one of the first things that we will do.

“The film studio will help in music and film production and make Ghana the hub of film production in West Africa,” he said excitedly.

The building of the studio, he said, will create many opportunities for the young ones and project the Ghanaian culture through local television series.

The film makers in the country, have over the years complained about how unlucrative the sector had become, especially with the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

All theatres and cinemas remain closed since the virus hit the shores of Ghana on March 12, last year.

The sector minister designate’s promise ties in with the New Patriotic Party 2020 manifesto.

Prior to December 7, the NPP in its manifesto promised to build recording studios in the country’s capital Accra.

Aside Accra, Kumasi, Tamale and Takoradi were tabled to have recording studios.

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