
Ghana to establish Accra World Book Capital

The country plans to establish an Accra World Book Capital (AWBC) legacy centre, following the successful hosting of its year-long role as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Book Capital.

The project is expected to provide an accessible space for utilisation by book writers and other related professionals to promote writing and reading in the country.

The Chief Executive of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), Elizabeth K. T. Sackey, made this known at a wrap-up ceremony at the Accra City Hall, last Wednesday ahead of the official handover of the baton to Strasbourg, the capital city of the Grand Est Region, formerly Alsace, in north-eastern France.

She disclosed further that a five-acre land located at Mamprobi Sempe had been earmarked for the construction of the AWBC legacy project.
The ceremony saw state officials, writers and book lovers gathering to celebrate the city’s achievements.

Accra was designated as the World Book Capital for 2023 by UNESCO, for its strong focus on the youth and their potential to contribute to the culture and wealth of Ghana.

While holding the title of World Book Capital, special activities and programmes were organised to empower the youth through the power of books.

These activities included reading sessions in basic schools, carnivals, festivals, markets, inter-school debates, quizzes, training of Persons With Disability (PwDs) and health screening.

Efforts were also made to improve access to books and educational resources, particularly for under-served communities.
The overall objective of these activities was to develop the socio-cultural identity of the younger generation to make a positive impact on the country’s development.


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