
Ghanaian Movie Industry needs proper positioning to attract investors – Actor

Source The Ghana Report/ Aba Asamoah

Veteran Actor, Oscar Provencial, mostly known for his role as ‘Inspector Bediako’ in a hit series in the 90s has described the current state of the Ghanaian Movie industry as one that needs proper positioning to attract the needed investment and attention from government.

According him, the onus lies on stakeholders in the movie industry to position themselves properly and lobby for the attention of investors and government.

“It’s not only about the government but as an industry have we been able to position or unite ourselves to lobby governments?” he asked.

In an interview with The Ghana Report, he stressed the need for the creative arts industry to unite, lobby and champion for the rights as creative people.

“You remember that ‘Kayayo’s’ were in the first budget of this administration, it didn’t happen by chance that they were featured, somebody must have lobbied for them and so if Kayayo’s can lobby to be featured in the budget we all have to stand up and fight for our rights, After all we are all citizens, we contribute to National development and we should have a stake in the National cake when it comes to our various sectors” he noted.

The Veteran Actor said, even though, the Ghana Actors Guild in collaboration with  other associations like GAFTA, FIPAG,NAFTI,Women In Film, Film Distributors and Marketers Association, Crew Association of Ghana etc are lobbying for the establishment and appointment of a Film Authority Board, the fight for the industry’s share of the National cake requires that all other stakeholders come on board to present a united front.

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